Act 10. Scene 1.
INTERIOR. At the concert hall where the get-away has been planned . Uncle Max has lined up the children on stage. Orders from the highest echelons notwithstanding , the program manager is not exactly happy at the prospect of having the von Trapp children sing again.
MANAGER : " Look here , can we at least have fewer of them ? It's bad enough having to listen to an adult von Trapp ..."
MAX : " It's Captain von Trapp's arrangement. And you do know that no less a person than the Furher himself wants the Captain to sing."
MANAGER : " Yes , i know. Still and all , i mean it's a nervous strain for someone such as I used as I am to agreeable chamber music . . . "
MAX : " Ah , chamber music ! I'm sure , old chap , that the Furher will be able to arrange for that - though i wouldn't bet on the 'agreeable' bit there. . ."
Act 10. Scene 2.
INTERIOR . Concert hall. The von Trapp family performs Climb Every Mountain
" Climb every mountain
But do mind that toe !
Follow every blog for
The right boots to go.
(Three of the children walk out offstage)
Climb every mountain
But mind every scream !
Follow every regimen
For calf-muscles like a dream.
A dream that will need
All the protein you can give.
And plenty of stupid exercise
For as long as you live
(The other children go offstage , leaving the Captain and Maria on it)
Climb every mountain
Ford every stream.
Make sure you can swim first
Or it'd all be a bad,bad dream.
A dream that will breed
All the hydrophobia it can give
And a marked disinclination to bathe
For as long as you live
(Maria goes offstage , leaving only the Captain on stage)
You can climb every mountain
But i must go check on the wife
You can follow me on Twitter
Every day of your silly life. "
(The Captain goes off stage)
Act 10. Scene 3.
INTERIOR . The concert hall. The Nazi generals in the audience are with Max.
GENERAL 1 : " Himmel , and to think we forced him to sing !"
G2 : " Ja ! The things we subject ourselves to . . . . "
G3 : " Where have they disappeared one by one like that...?"
G4 : " Ja , they haven't run away Detweiler , have they ?"
MAX : " Oh no , that was just part of the act. They're backstage"
G5 : " And what is zis blog ? And zis Twitter he said to follow ? Is it like some closed circuit TV ?"
MAX : " Not really. On the contrary , it's very open. You see General , it's a bit like this : with CCTV you are trying to watch somebody who is usually trying to hide. With Twitter or blogs , it's somebody trying to be watched while you're usually trying to hide."
G1 : " Zat's very clever. You are a smart man , Detweiler."
MAX : " But i still get only three scenes in this movie. And these were my last words"
G1 : " How right you are , Detweiler... ! "
---- G1 takes out a gun and shoots Max Detweiler dead ----
GENERALS 2-5 (shocked) " Vat ! Gott in Himmel ! "
G1 : " This schwein fooled us ! The von Trapps have escaped !"
G2-5 (shocked) : " Vat ! Gott in Himmel ! How do you know ? "
G1 : " Because Captain von Trapp has tweeted about it. Look !"
Waves his iPhone at them and shows them the tweet
G2-5 (shocked) " Vat ! Gott in Himmel ! "
(To be continued)