INTERIOR Nazi military headquarters. Much agitation as von Trapp's let down is discovered.
GENERAL 1 : " Gott in himmel ! Have you seen von Trapp's Facebook status update ? It says he's decided to stop singing. And he's got a 'Like' on it too "
GENERAL 2 : " We can't allow status quo on that"
GENERAL 3 : " Ja , and it's on his Twitter too "
GENERAL 4 : " Himmel ! In 140 characters ?"
GENERAL 5 (Aside) : " So long as none are from The Sound Of Music"
G3 : "140 characters ? I think it shows zero character"
G1 : " And why has he made this decision ?"
G2 : " He says it's love"
G1 : " Love ? Is this love ? I want to know what love is"
G3 : " What's love got to do with it ?"
G4 : " Ha ! That was a second hand emotion , General"
G3 : " We change his mind for him then ! After all , we are the world ! "
G5 (Aside) : " Mein Gott , this is really getting on my nerves. First that silly movie and now these 1980's pop culture allusions . . . "
G1 :" I agree ! That's vat ve do ! We tell him to either comply or else beat it"
G5 winces
All now rise and sing The Beatles' All You Need Is Love - sort of, anyway
" There's nothing he'd do even though it can be done
There's nothing he'd sing even though it can be sung
Nothing he'd say , he thinks he's learnt to play the game
It's easy.
All he needs is love , (He thinks) All he needs is love , (He says) All he needs is love
Love ! Love is all he needs.
But there's nothing he can refuse that we say can't be refused
By the time we're through with him , none of his bones could ever be reused
And nowhere he can be but wherever the hell we want him to be
It's easy
All he needs is a shove, (All together now) All he needs is a shove , (Everybody !)
All he needs is a shove. A shove ! A shove is all he needs !"
(To be continued)