Friday, October 23, 2009

15 minute minutes , or less

My neighbour Charlie came around this morning to say his five year old son Chris had accidentally got into a space shuttle that had taken off and was now in orbit.

"The TV folks are covering Mrs. Nelson's missing knitting needles right now,Charlie - and besides people're pretty much going off Reality TV ,you know.", I said.

"Oh well, in that case , i'd better run along and get the little blighter off the attic. Goodness knows what a mess he must have made up there." , replied Charlie.

He looked worried ; and well he would.Five year olds left to their own devices are not especially known for leaving any of them intact.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Nobel Green-Planet Thought (or - Peaced Off ?)

Nikkelendime Airways believes using aircraft toilets is green-unfriendly and energy-inefficient. So it asks passengers to dispose of unfinished business at the airport before boarding. Things went a bit far yesterday - though flight NK 123 evidently didn't,mind - when said flight reversed direction midway to fly back to the departure airport because somebody wanted to go to the bathroom. Must have really pissed off the passengers -especially as the pilot then took an extra 30 minutes to update his FB status.

Meanwhile , my neighbour Charlie says he is aiming for a Nobel Prize. I asked him what his specialisation was. He's a Fortune Cookie whiz ,to be sure, but I wasn't aware that's a Nobel field yet.

"I'll be taking a shot at the Peace." he says.

Contact your least popular news blog for advance autographs , shall be happy to oblige.

Love - and, of course , peace.