Surfing lands you , alas , at Oprah.
Guests on this one are Joseph Simmons a.k.a DJ Run a.k.a Rev Run , ex-vocalist of Run DMC and his family :
-Rev Run : 1 nos.
-Mrs.Rev : 1 nos.
-Daughters : 3 nos.
-Sons : 3 nos.
Numbers enough to make the cast of a Reality show –which apparently they are.
Rev Run raps the good , wholesome and upright rap. Rev Run is now a priest and this sermon on the mounted camera is about Family.
Says Run : “It’s important to realize a family is something you make”.
Oprah -bright eyed , nodding , eager , interested , leaning forward- repeats :
“Uh-huh, a family is something you make”.
“The family that plays together ….” says Oprah in voice over -
- Cue shots of the brood shooting basket in the family yard , swimming at the family pool and bowling on the family outing
“…and prays together…”
- Cut to shot of the family praying under the Reverend’s watchful eyes
“…stays together”
- Cut to the happy and huge Rev family back live at the studio with OW.
- Cue shots of the brood shooting basket in the family yard , swimming at the family pool and bowling on the family outing
“…and prays together…”
- Cut to shot of the family praying under the Reverend’s watchful eyes
“…stays together”
- Cut to the happy and huge Rev family back live at the studio with OW.
Much applause from audience as OW continues
“He’s a doting father….”
- Cue shots of Rev Run at various stages of being doting daddy to the kids Run
“….and an adoring husband”
- Cut to shot of Mr. and Mrs. Rev locked in a tender kiss. .“ I love you” says Mrs. Rev with a dreamy and For-Reality TV look.
- Cue shots of Rev Run at various stages of being doting daddy to the kids Run
“….and an adoring husband”
- Cut to shot of Mr. and Mrs. Rev locked in a tender kiss. .“ I love you” says Mrs. Rev with a dreamy and For-Reality TV look.
Much applause from audience as the screen cuts back to Mr. Rev at the studio
Rev Run : “You gotta schedule the family in and I mean , really schedule…....... in capital letters S…C…H…”
- Cut to me reaching for the remote